Monthly: October 2018

Nginx blocks mobile(pc) access

V Records 2,969 Views
Sometimes because of the demand, we need to distinguish between the PC side and the mobile side of the visitor. Here are a few simple ways to introduce: Nginx Block mobile access: [crayon-6717e6ceba7ed581370...

Nginx access_log log analysis and configuration

V Records 4,103 Views
Foreword: Through the log, you can know the user's address, which parts of your website are most popular, the user's browsing time, and targeted optimization for most users' browsers. Nginx's logs are divided into...

Nginx installation(Centos7)

V Records 1,674 Views
1.Install gcc Nginx source code compilation depends on the gcc environment [crayon-6717e6cebb537439956027/] 2.Install PCRE pcre-devel PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) is a Perl library that inc...

Simple way to install two Nginx under Linux

V Records 39,360 Views
Here mainly introduces How to run 2 or more nginx on one server at the same time.May be written a bit general. Install multiple Nginx at the same time If you need to install two or more Nginx on one server, then...

Windows Nginx command parameter usage details

V Records 1,830 Views
This article mainly introduces Nginx's most basic nginx commands such as starting, stopping, viewing, and testing configuration files on Windows servers. Nginx command: start nginx After installing nginx on Wind...

Nginx port mapping configuration

V Records 4,654 Views ,
Foreword The common way to build a website is to use a web server to parse the file entry file. For example, using Nginx, Apache parses the corresponding entry file, but with the development of technology, some lan...

How to enable Nginx gzip compression

V Records 1,542 Views
After the server is configured, you also need to enable gzip to compress the returned data to speed up the loading of the site. Here's how to enable gzip on Nginx (add it to the configuration file): [crayon-67...